by Jon | Apr 12, 2020
Times like these that burn away all the patterns and pleasantries of our working lives, serve to reveal what lies beneath them in the people we work with. And that is character. How inspiring to see. The strengths, the commitment, the unseen abilities. The backbone...
by Jon | Apr 12, 2020
In these unprecedented times decisions must roll out quickly. To do this our attention and energy must be focused and protected. It will not be wise for us to expend precious energy responding to anything without a prioritized purpose in mind. To provide needed focus...
by Jon | Mar 30, 2020
My husband used to drive an old truck. It had a manual transmission. 4 speeds forward and one reverse. It also had another super-low forward speed called “granny gear”. If the load was heavy and the road was steep or muddy, he’d shift the thing down...
by Jon | Mar 30, 2020
I’ve always said that getting answers is the easy part, the hard part is asking the right questions. Our brains are powerful and dutiful. You ask them a question and they’ll come up with something. Depending on their knowledge and perspective it might be a...
by Jon | Mar 30, 2020
Each one of us wears two hats for our staff. We’re part manager and part leader. As managers we support our staff in making it happen at our co-ops on a day to day basis, and as leaders, we show the way forward. In times like these, the leader in us has to step...
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