Short videos examining the main points of the MMS Accountability, Customer Service and Safety Trainings

Accountability Videos

MMS videos are a great way to reinforce the concepts that are presented in our 2-day accountability training.   Whether you’re intersested in just refreshing the ideas for yourself or showing them to your whole team, these video are a way to keep the momentum going in terms of growth and development in the areas of employee management and accountability.

The MMS Line of Reasonability is a graphical tool that represents how employee development and accountability work together.  It presents concepts and vocabulary that are used throughout the MMS trainings.  These concepts and vocabulary are referred to in all other MMS videos, so we highly recommend that if you’re unfamiliar with this chart please start here with this video.  (5 min: 5 sec)
Many managers today are hired from with-in.  They start with the co-op as line staff and promote their way up into management.  The difficult transition from peer to manager is often not acknowledged and dealt with in management training. It is a difficult and formative time. This video addresses this transitions and sheds light on the new mindsets that are needed in the new manager to make a successful switch from peer to manager. (6:46)
Dealing with authority can be a complicated issue for many of us.  We have a lot of emotions, memories and pre-conceptions about authority figures in our lives.  But what happens to us when we become the authority and people are looking at us through many of those same negative filters.  After we become a manager we need to become the authority and how we deal with this will in many ways define our strength and effectiveness going forward. (8:04)
We bring two things to work with us everday that profoundly effect our ability to manage.  They are our thoughts and emotions.  Aquired from various places they are embedded within ourselves and often go unoticed as we work through our day; however, they are the foundation of our actions and therefore our results.  This video breaks down the way our thoughts and emotions relate to what we produce in our job by encouraging awareness of these unseen personal elements. (9:14)
Even when a manager has their management tools in place, using them effectively is an on-going process of growth and development.  One of the biggest obstacles of their effective use is when we fall into mindsets that don’t let us managers see things objectively.  When we feel victimized by circumstances seemingly beyond our control and are powerless to act in positive ways because we think things “should” be different, we are now in “Shouldlandia”.  This video explores how we get out. (9:45)
Many people come into management without a clear idea of how to manage a staff.  This video introduces the two pillars of good management – facts and behavior expectations.  The necessity of getting down to the specific facts of any employee incident and see how these facts relate to clearly stated behavior and performance expectations.  Finding the rock on which to stand when it’s time to manage and staying away from emotional and mental pitfalls. (6:05)
Our day to day chats and check-in with our staff can be great opportunities to  bring their attention to the work at hand along with expressing appreciation and adding color to the meaning of the work they’re doing.    Uplift and Direct is communication skillset for managers that will help them use these day to day chat moments with staff to help staff stay on task and point their attention toward the important work to be done.  This is a conversation tool to be used in the “green zone” to help staff grow and develop.   (5:48)
The Blue Line in the Chart of Reasonability is all the rules, standards, policies and procedures we have in our co-op.  This line holds the co-op together and is effective to the degree to which managers uphold it.  With this firmly in place, we can then  move toward cultivating expectations with our staff – setting goals for growth and development. This video discusses the next step in managing after the Blue Line is well in place. Where we go from manageing to keep staff out of trouble to manageing them forward in growth.  (6:14)
There can come a time when an employee is not meeting performance or behavior expectations.  This video deals with the necessity of catching these problems when they are first noticed and not letting them grow into big unmanageable situations. It offers practical tips on how to coach and hopefully turn a employee’s work performance around.  Also, assessing if an employee’s under performance is a problem with “skill, will, or ability” is also explored.  A look at the first step in performance or behavior coaching. (6:55)
After we have coached for improvement and the employee is still not meeting behavior or performance standards it is time to move the conversation forward away from coaching and into performance correction.  The 6 Steps to Performance Correction is a simple protocol to follow when the employee needs to be made aware of the seriousness of the issue and possible consequences.  Here the tone of the conversations changes and the employee has to account for their actions and come up with solutions to the problem. (15:50)
Customer and Internal Service Series

This is a three video series that brings the fundamentals of customer service and internal service home to your staff.  These make great conversation starter to get the dialogue going between you and your staff concerning these essential topics.  

This first video in the customer service series lays down the foundational concepts of creating a warm and welcoming enviroment for all who walk through our front door.  It continues with explaining the concept of Vitality – adding vitality to every customer interaction to increase involvement, fun and interest to the customer shopping experience.  This video also stressing how valuable learning the skills of customer service is to a staff member.  How learning these skills will enrich their personal and professional life. (11:39)
This second video in the customer service series now changes direction and deals with incidences where something doesn’t go right for the customers – how do deal with problems.  This video is formatted in chapters:  Making it right: using Zingerman’s five-step approach. Extra Effort: dealing with customers who can be challenging verbally or emotionally. Staying out of Shouldlandia: a mindset tool to help staff keep problems calm and in perspective. Graceful Disengaging: how and when to disengage from a customer. (16:47)

Co-op Safety Series

This third video in the customer service series takes on the topic of internal service – how staff communicate and serve each other.  The main topics are: 1.  the valuable part staff plays in our co-op achieving its goals. 2. using the acronym THINK as a guide to inter-staff communication. 3. Discussing what types of communication are helpful and what types are detrimental to the co-op.  To do this a tool called the 4-square culture builder is introduced.  This video reinforces how important it is for everyone on staff to take responsibility to build a positive work culture. (12:39)

General safety videos are usually very drab and boring, not representative of a co-op’s culture.  This video is especially made for co-ops – outlining general safety guidelines that are common to us all.  It’s meant to be shown during the staff on-boarding process to provide necessary, basic safety instruction.  This video is meant to be shown in conjunction with the following safe lifting video. (8:13)

If there is one safety area that we should spend a little extra time on it is the topic of safe lifting – number one cause of workplace injury.  In this video we partner with fitness guru Chip Conrad to help us understand the foundation of safe movement and therefore safe lifting.  This is not your run of the mill safe lifting video but a deeper discussion of lifting and movement in gereral to provide a greater understanding of how to stay safe and injury free while moving and lifting. (9:13)