by Jon | Apr 13, 2022
There are a few ideas we carry with us that can become mental quicksand when dealing with people.One is: “If we can just get things to change, things will be better.”It plays out in many ways such as, “If this person just quits...
by Jon | Apr 13, 2022
OK, I’m just going to give it to you straight. No beating around the bush.Many of us, if not most of us, are faced with staffing issues.It’s hard to get people.It’s easy to get a little freaked out thinking we have to keep people at all...
by Jon | Jan 31, 2022
I think “and” is a cool word. It doesn’t negate. It connects two things. That makes our little word “and” an inclusive networker. I keep it close around. I make it do it’s magic for me then I put it away for a while. It often...
by Jon | Jan 31, 2022
I just want to tell you a customer service story that I was involved in. I know there’s a million cs stories one can tell but this one really got to me. I see the dynamic in this story now and again and it is something for us to stay on top of as we coach...
by Jon | Nov 22, 2021
When I was talking to some co-op-ers this past week I said that I hoped they would survive the coming week. (Thanksgiving week)Then I thought to myself, what am I bringing everyone’s attention to?Am I just going to commiserate...
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