They said they are overwhelmed – January 5th

They said they are overwhelmed – January 5th

I had a manager ask me the other day about when to help an employee who says they are overwhelmed in their job… They asked, “How can I tell when someone is playing the victim card as opposed to someone who is taking self-responsibility for...
A small reflective shift – Dec 1

A small reflective shift – Dec 1

So often I rush into my day. “What do I have to do today? I need to get it defined, listed and, bam – go out and execute!”  And away I go, headlong into another race to get it all done. But the longer I enter my days like this the more I feel...
A few thoughts that might help Nov 2nd

A few thoughts that might help Nov 2nd

I thought today I’d offer us all a few pointers that might help us not get tripped up and go into a negative emotional spiral. Just some simple tips that we can think about as we go about managing our crew.1. Employee’s...
Are you shaping the day?  Sept 30th

Are you shaping the day? Sept 30th

I believe we all want to build trust with our team and make a difference. So what are some things we can do that support that effort? Show up to work ready to shape the day. This might sound obvious or simple, yet making this effort is truly powerful and...
Working words Sept 1st

Working words Sept 1st

As I see it, when you become a manager, you really need to dial-in how you act and communicate. If you move up into management, there’s no way you can talk to someone, who was once a peer co-worker, the same way now that you’re in charge of them....