Our Worthy Task – Aug 20th

Our Worthy Task – Aug 20th

Staff can have many feelings toward you as a manager. Simultaneously. They can be mad at you for not giving them a requested day off. They can be frustrated, miffed, stressed because the schedule needed to be adjusted, or a new cross training program is...
Pushes and Pulls – August 5th

Pushes and Pulls – August 5th

What’s the deal with emotions at work? As a manager should I show my emotions? Should I keep it all chill?  Just button it all up?Here’s what I think. Let’s say, for the sake of discussion, that emotions can be divided into 2 parts: push emotions and...
Some Complaints Are Worth Listening To – July 14th

Some Complaints Are Worth Listening To – July 14th

For me, it used to be so easy just to dismiss a griping and complaining employee as being a pain in the butt and tune them out.I couldn’t see any value in all their noise and who needs another pain in the butt anyway.So this was me before I really started to...
Let Go of the Unworkable – July 1st

Let Go of the Unworkable – July 1st

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about the topic of “team building”. I wrote about it in my last message a few weeks ago (It’s up on my web-site if you missed it) and the more I think about it, the more a few foundational points come...
100 days – June 17th

100 days – June 17th

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the unwritten dynamic in leadership that says, just after assuming their new position, a leader has 100 days to make their tough changes — “their first 100 days”. OK, so here we all are coming out...