Here’s a problem we all face every now and then.
It’s when a customer lets us know that an employee was somehow inappropriate.
Maybe it was something that the customer just overheard – an inappropriate remark to another employee perhaps.
Or maybe, some rudeness to themselves or someone else.
Either way, we didn’t see or hear it, and we couldn’t substantiate it.
Often this reporting is as far as it goes, and nothing is done.
This disconnect is what I want to urge us not to do.
This situation needs to be addressed.
With a bit of delicacy, we need to check in with them (privately, one on one) and let them know that a concern was raised about their behavior.
This is where the delicacy comes in. We are in no way accusing them or even acting in a mode of suspicion.
This is a check-in to simply inform them of this situation.
We’re neutral and see what they say.
If they confirm, well, depending on the negative impact we may be on to a coaching memo or more. More likely though will be ambiguity, denial or some other lack of clarity about what actually occurred. When this happens simply re-visit expectations and then document the conversation in our log.
Whichever way things go, our goal is reached. That is to shine light on their actions.
To demonstrate that managing is taking place. That follow-through is happening.
And, that limits, guidelines, and expectations will be tended to.
It shows you’re present.
After a while these small check-ins will reap big rewards in not letting small problems become big problems.
And that’s where we want to go.