Let’s not put ourselves in the line of fire by sounding like our reminding, coaching or correcting is something personal between us and our employees.
It’s not.
In our role, we’re there to shepherd the goals and missions of the co-op.
We’re a guardian of the co-op; we’re representing the whole.
Managing is not a tug-of-war between our wishes and the employee’s desire.
So, the tip is, we watch how we phrase things with staff.
Instead of, “I need you to be kinder and more respectful to those you work with”
It becomes more like this, “At the co-op we expect all employees to treat each other in a kind and respectful manner.”
Or instead of, “I don’t like how this turned out, could you do it again?”
Try this way, “This sandwich does not meet our standards so please redo it.’
I think you get the idea.
It’s not a hard and fast rule of communication and we don’t want to come off like we joined the Borg; it’s just something to keep in mind.
Let’s not make everything sound like our emotions and personal preferences are the determining factor.
Our desire to be effective and help the co-op grow and thrive is the determining factor.
Let’s make sure it’s well expressed.