An on-going focus on stewardship – modeling behavior, providing feedback, coaching, correcting, acknowledging.
Honestly, at times we might not be up for doing all this.
That’s cool. It’s hard work.
But what often happens is that we then start blaming our employees for not meeting expectations. We gripe about them and throw them under the bus when in fact we’re the bus driver.
Can we all agree that we can accept ourselves where we are – whatever level of management we can muster, and we are not going to blame our employees for their perceived lack when we’re the ones who are running the show?
Can we agree to not be hard on ourselves? To have grace and humility at those times we just can’t bring it and when this happens we’re not going to blame the folks who work for us.
If we show up, remain committed, and keep from getting negative, we might find that most of our expectations get met anyway.
Some won’t and they never will until we step it up and get active.
But at least we won’t be taking out our frustration with ourselves on the one we’re in charge of.
There’s a lot to management. Sometimes it’s just a clunky process that we need to accept.
But acceptance smooths out the road a bit and makes it easier to change and pivot in the future.
Be well and generous of spirit with yourself and others.