Bulk departments, food service, curb-side options, home delivery you name it.
However, one area in our stores that needs no redefining is customer service.
Our definitions are well in place – warm, welcoming, inclusive, gracious and patient. These need no amending.
What customer service may need, though, is retooling.
Retooling in the sense of finding a way to let our warm and inclusive spirit be felt by the customers under the current stressful conditions.
We certainly do not want our store to slump into an atmosphere of compliance that has all the charm of some TSA check-in lines at an airport.
This retooling is a journey that we will be taking with our customers, partnered together, not apart, with a deep understanding of the vulnerabilities and humanity we all share.
A walk of trust in many ways where the focus is on keeping faith in each other’s good intentions as we all learn together.
A place where a little hand wave exudes warmth, a smile can be seen in the eyes, or a thumbs up signals all is well.
Where we always remember we are talking to valued community members, never someone who needs our schooling or scolding.
Hurdles do not block our path in this area but just a willingness to let the doors of our hearts swing a bit wider amidst all this change.
This is going to be a great week; how do I know? Because we will make it so.