Ever heard this one from a crew member of yours?…“This is stupid!..Why are we going to start doing that?!”or ..“This is pointless!…are we really going to have to do this every day?! then you get a half-hearted, grudgingly executed job.
We’ve got to have some sympathy here.
How many times have we felt that way ourselves?
But here’s the point.
A staff person does not have to like or agree with a system, procedure or task;
however, they do have to follow or do them.
They cannot become the decider – that is our job.
Yes, we listen to feedback and can make adjustments or modifications if needed but it is not incumbent on us to enter into a pseudo-negotiation with the staff member to reach a compromise.
“I’ll take this all into consideration. In the meantime right now I need us all to do ______.”and if they don’t do it or we get a less than satisfactory job, it’s time to manage.
As managers our expectations are (a) the job gets done and (b) it’s done up to standards.
If either one of those expectations are not met, it’s time to connect and talk.
Times like this are critical to your authority as a manager.
If they begrudgingly shuffle around complaining to co-workers – it’s talk-time.
“Let’s be clear. You do not have to like these changes. What is expected though is that you carry out these tasks in a productive and positive way.”
The procedures and tasks we create to do our jobs are ever evolving and can at times be clunky and imperfect; however, we have to stand behind them with our authority as managers.
Only in that way can they grow forward and get better.
And many times, after some initial resistance by staff and our consistency and stability in upholding the standard, changes successfully take hold.
“Are you really going to expect us to do that daily?”