What keeps us stuck in “theorizing mode” is seeing and defining situations as being really complicated.
When we think something is complicated we end up spinning our wheels, discussing, studying, planning, etc. and never really get to doing anything.
What’s the deal here?
Often, we can’t face how obvious a solution is, because if we do, we have to take a simple direct action.
And for some reason that action is something we don’t want to do.
Maybe there’s a fear blocking our path, or maybe a feeling of doubt, or maybe we are not up for the grind.
Keeping things complicated and staying in “theorizing mode” is often just our avoidance.
Yes, there are complexities.
But properly understood complexities can be broken down and action steps can usually become apparent.
I think this is just something we have to be aware of.
Are we willing to allow things to have obvious action steps and are we willing to do the tenacious grind of walking them.
Or are we distracting ourselves with complication.
This isn’t every situation but maybe more than we think.
Let’s take a look.