At times when it feels that the whole world is conspiring against us.That the water is rising and hope is fading.Look around and you’ll see magicand you’ll see it’s the rule not the exception.
Here we are, many of us understaffed, with more folks leaving, rapid on-boarding, along with applicants ghosting.
Dealing with mal-adaptive rude customers.
Supply chain issues
and, oh yes, almost forgot, a continuing world- wide pandemic.
So, here we are and what do we do?
My advice – look around and you’ll see magic.
You’ll see magic in all the strong wonderful people who didn’t leave.
Who stayed with us through it all.
You’ll see magic in the fact that we are a co-op and have been a powerful beacon for years of many things that so many folks are now looking for in an employer.
You’ll see magic in every shopper and owner that graces us with their presence and purchases. They have been right there with us all the way also.
You’ll see magic in our wonderful products helping to make this a healthier world.
Now is not a time to be shy.
Let’s let the world know that we are magic.
Express it loud and strong!
Tell everyone – it’s our rule…not our exception.