OK, I’m just going to give it to you straight. No beating around the bush.
Many of us, if not most of us, are faced with staffing issues.
It’s hard to get people.
It’s easy to get a little freaked out thinking we have to keep people at all costs because a warm body is better than nobody.
I get it, the risks of being short staffed are real, yet we can work on that slowly but surely.
The risks are much greater when we expect our staff to carry the weight of an underperforming employee who after training and coaching has not come up to par.
Keeping people who no one wants to work with, risks cultural deterioration that can take years to deal with.
Cultural deterioration eats away at a business from the inside out. It will spread and become non-localized until you feel like you’re playing a whack-a-mole game with problems.
Being short staff is a localized problem – a certain position needs to be filled.
It may be the great resignation but let’s not let that become the great erosion.
The staff members who we want to keep will appreciate our accountability. Word will get around and good people will want to work at our stores.
Yes, it’s tough times.
And at the same time today’s employees are looking for conscientious employers who can run an effective and functional operation free of drama, full of heart, who make a difference.
The way I see it, lowering of standards is really not good for anybody – our staff of today as well as the staff we hope to recruit tomorrow.
There you go…short and sweet.