As co-op managers we can sometimes run into a rallying-cry from staff, when we try to uphold reasonable albeit firm accountability lines, “this isn’t fair, we’re a co-op we do things differently here”.
It’s also often combined with an accusation of how “corporate we’re becoming”.
I often find this ironic because I know of no place with less accountability and staff engagement than most corporations.
It is true that we do business differently in our co-ops which is the economic and business model we follow yet nowhere in any co-op business theory or bylaws is lax accountability mentioned.
I do see mentioned providing goods and services that our customers want, having interactions with customers that delight, building on-going meaningful connections with our community, and being a beacon of a new economy.
To be successful in achieving this we cannot become diluted and distracted in our efforts. We need to rally and create a unified focus to carry out our mission.
This pulling together can only happen with vigor, tenacity, hustle, diversity, inclusion, equity and innovation.
And all this can go nowhere without accountability.
Here’s my wish for the new year.
My hope is that the co-ops in this country set the standard for accountability in the national business environment.
That not only would co-ops be an economic model for all to see, but a model for strong, clear accountability practices as well.
That having worked at a co-op becomes a credibility builder.
Someone who has proven themselves in an effective and well-run environment.
Not from a place where individualized preferences, wishes and wants out-rank the needs of an organization trying to change the world.
Our co-ops exist to make a difference – let’s do this!
It’s also often combined with an accusation of how “corporate we’re becoming”.
I often find this ironic because I know of no place with less accountability and staff engagement than most corporations.
It is true that we do business differently in our co-ops which is the economic and business model we follow yet nowhere in any co-op business theory or bylaws is lax accountability mentioned.
I do see mentioned providing goods and services that our customers want, having interactions with customers that delight, building on-going meaningful connections with our community, and being a beacon of a new economy.
To be successful in achieving this we cannot become diluted and distracted in our efforts. We need to rally and create a unified focus to carry out our mission.
This pulling together can only happen with vigor, tenacity, hustle, diversity, inclusion, equity and innovation.
And all this can go nowhere without accountability.
Here’s my wish for the new year.
My hope is that the co-ops in this country set the standard for accountability in the national business environment.
That not only would co-ops be an economic model for all to see, but a model for strong, clear accountability practices as well.
That having worked at a co-op becomes a credibility builder.
Someone who has proven themselves in an effective and well-run environment.
Not from a place where individualized preferences, wishes and wants out-rank the needs of an organization trying to change the world.
Our co-ops exist to make a difference – let’s do this!