Here’s a dynamic that, I feel, every manager should be aware of…
“Inverted Indignation”.Basically, inverted indignation is when an employee gets demonstrably indignant toward you for properly managing them.
It’s when they feel uncomfortable because a light is being shined on their less than adequate work and they get all in an indignant huff to hopefully make you feel that you’re doing something wrong in managing them and therefore cause you to back off.
It can sound something like this:
Employee pushing back to manager: “Seriously dude! That’s not going to work! We aren’t going to be able to stop stocking and help the front end with bagging during the lunch rush – there is too much to do!”Or maybe this one:
“Why are you talking to me when everyone is yacking it up at work!”
Whenever there is push back or an emotionally reactive response to our reasonable directive, you have inverted indignation.
Our job, when this happens, is to be steady with our clarity, neutrality, and grace and not fall into defense mode.
Dealing with inverted indignation starts inside ourselves.
Being confident and clear about who we are as managers — working for the good of all and to not let their upset trigger us into thinking that we’ve broken some humanistic vow and become an unreasonable boss.
We need to stand firm on our foundation of rightful leadership.
Our response can sound something like this:
“Supporting the front end is important so what are some things you can do that will help make that happen?”Or:
“Right now let’s just focus on one thing at a time. We are here to be of service to the customers and be productive in our work efforts. Personal conversations that are too frequent and lengthy means something is not getting your attention that needs to. What are some things you think you can do that will help you keep your focus on our customers and the tasks at hand?” It’s a skill of not being triggered ourselves and taking the bait of entering into conflict or folding up in self-doubt.
A huge part of being a manager is simply being calm and steady, not being thrown around by the turbulent ups and downs of employee reactiveness, especially inverted indignation.
Here is to helping each other hold steady in managing effectively!