Thought so.
Most of us have someone (sometimes more than one) who stresses us out and drives us crazy.
We cannot escape feeling like we are so hassled to have to deal with this and really just wish this person would change or quit.
Well here is the irony, we’re stressed (and everything else that comes with it) because we’re not managing them.
And often it is because we are expecting too much!
Not too much from the employee, too much from ourselves.
In our minds we want this whole situation solved and cannot seem to find a wheelbarrow big enough to carry the load.
Because it feels so heavy, we usually fall prey to resisting, procrastinating and complaining.
Throw in feeling sorry for ourselves and I think this accurately describes many of us on any given day….certainly myself on certain days.
So, let’s take a step back and remind ourselves of a few things today.
We need expectations clarity- a first step is making sure we are clear on what we expect.
We need to manage from facts – not opinions or conclusions. What was seen or heard and how do those facts relate to the clear expectations.
We need to manage in steps – meet low performers where they are and walk the steps of managing. Steps – not solve it all in one big weighted effort.
We don’t “need” anything from our employees – they’re either doing the job or not. They do, however, need things from us – emotional neutrality, grace, clarity of expectations, and consistency.
We need to plan and prepare for conversations – don’t just wing-it. Remember, no two conversations are ever the same. As the employee moves the conversation moves.
Resisting, procrastinating and complaining won’t get us anywhere and is just a distraction.
Accepting, moving forward and affirming – now we’re managing!
Step by step leads to accountability,