How about behaviors – like moody, grumpy, victim-izing, blaming, gossiping, manipulating etc.?
Are we averse to asking our staff to stop doing these types of things because we’re still doing these behaviors and want leniency for ourselves?
OK then, fair enough; however, if culture building is one of our priorities then here’s our first step.
If we’re truly done with ‘negative’ behaviors in our team, we have to be done with negative behaviors in ourselves.
No equivocation such as, ”I only deviate when the pressure is on – it kinda comes with the pressures of being a manager.”
First step is ourselves and modeling what it looks like for our staff and co-managers.
The second step is our team.
What are we going to do about this in our teams?
What’s our plan to coach and correct in order to uphold behavioral expectations?
A good place to start is to pull the team together and establish expectations for individual and team behavior.
Have them sign something.
Now we have a foundation to work from and, believe me, our resolve will be tested.
Are we willing to have uncomfortable chats and sit downs or let them slide because they’re “just being them”.
The first thing a customer feels when they come into our store is our culture.
This is important work; our culture is what we allow.
Most of us just need a nudge, a boundary, and the guidance to get there.
It is tough at the start but once in place it goes easier.
Our co-ops are bright and shiny places for our communities to meet and shop.
Let’s make sure that glow is strong and vibrant.