Most of us who manage will confess that the thing we like least about managing is managing people.
Now, this is OK and understandable…I mean really, let’s face it, it’s not easy.
But on the other hand, do we really want to be drug on the ground behind runaway wild horses? (or have many days that feel like that?)
Probably not.
So, here’s a few pointers to help us out:
Management is a steady, measured, patient march.
The functional working elements of it have to be free of personally emotionalized agendas.
Juries, unions, customers and co-workers want to know we were reasonable and consistent in the steps we marched.
Rushing and skipping steps leads to trouble.
Final Warnings do not usually change behavior. And even if it does we are keeping the wrong people if that was the final motivation.
Our job is to provide clarity, guidance, resources, consequence (when needed), and keep track.
Don’t do people’s job for them because it’s easier than managing them.
Doing our job well is a culture and respect builder.
Well that is a start anyway.
Also, here’s another big thing to remember.
Managing people is something we can learn how to do and the sooner we get a handle on it the less “behind the wild-horses-days” we’ll have.
Let’s go for it!