Some disconnects have minor consequences but this one seems to really affect the whole managerial process.
Let me explain it this way.
Here are some key steps to managing employee situations when they pop-up:
1. Be objective with your observations of the situation – to see, hear and notice.
2. Make sure you have the facts of the matter.
3. Respond and take action to deal with any issues.
4. Keep notes to have an accurate account of our observations and efforts.
Sounds simple enough in theory.
Yet what sometimes happens is a disconnect at step 3.
Sometimes we see stuff, and maybe even let a peer manager, our boss, or HR know about it without ever fully directly responding to the situation. To fulfill step 3 – take action.
So, let’s stay steady with our efforts to notice, be factual, and keep up great record keeping.
Now we just need to be sure the critical third step is in place.
How will we respond and manage what was observed?
What will be our action? What’s our plan using our best judgement and discernment in the moment?
And it’s very important to remember that when we do act, to document that in our log book to have an ongoing record to reference.
Always think with action in mind when managing staff. Watch out for that disconnect.