As managers there’s a very important space in our co-ops that’s often overlooked.
It’s a space that can be put to very good use and often it just sits there.
And like all empty spaces it usually gets filled up with something.
People just end up putting stuff there and it doesn’t really do anyone any good.
As I said this is an important space and we need to reclaim it as ours and make use of it.
It is the space of being the leading voice in setting the narrative of our decisions and the changes we are leading as we go forward.
If we don’t claim this space, what often ends up there is staff’s disappointments, fears, and frustrations.
Is that what we want defining our state of affairs?
This space is our responsibility as a manager.
It is where the narrative is written, and clarity is offered.
It is the space where we lead by focusing the staff’s attention.
This is not a space where we cheerlead but where we connect dots and point out possibilities.
It’s being the leading voice.
It’s regularly chatting, clarifying, uplifting, doing the huddles, redirecting.
It’s getting out in front, claiming that space and not letting it fill up with unhelpful “stuff”.
Someone is going to fill up this space, who do we want that to be?
Go get it!