Put on top of all this a nice layer of exhaustion and it’s easy to see why we sometimes act impulsively and reactively. Or sometimes we backup all together and we withdraw, duck, dodge and avoid.
None of this helps us very much in being an effective manager and leader.
So it is good to have some pre-established guide-lines in place for ourselves.
One of those is reminding ourselves that before we do anything we need to calibrate for accuracy.
It takes stopping (not slowing down) and really making sure we have the facts. Have we identified what the problem is and how it is impacting the co-op rather than getting lost in someone’s conclusions, emotions or opinions?
Then we check our own lenses. Are we seeing beyond our preferential view-points, habits, and cherished beliefs?
Are we listening to other points of view?
Are we getting our buttons pushed and therefore insisting what we see is right?
To lead and manage well it takes adhering to things that help us be steady and able to move thoughtfully and responsibly forward with our decisions and interactions with others.
Calibrating for accuracy is one of those things we can rely upon to support us in dialing in all the input coming at us.