One thing that I’ve noticed, and this might or might not apply to you, is that sometimes co-ops seem to be a little structure-phobic.
That creating day to day systems and checklists is not the “co-op” way of doing things.
Too corporate…too regimented…not in the creative flow of the day.
I’m sure we all have some structures in place but how much of our day to day operating methods are left to individual preferences, styles and moods?
And those structures that are in place, how much accountability do we have to make sure they are upheld?
Afterall, it is easy to veer away from them because, let’s face it, that kind of effort is a grind.
It feels like they take the “human element” out of our work.
However, our humanity can really only have the space to flourish if it sits upon a strong stable foundation.
With strong basics in place, we’re ready when the creative flow of the day turns into the whirlwind flood of the day.
All of us have been hired to create a strong, sound business to serve our community. We can’t do that shunning business basics.
Our values and altruisms will naturally lead us away from the pack; however, our altruism can also mislead us into thinking “those business practices” don’t apply to us.
Our business difference lives in our intent to serve our community by providing a really cool, fun, amazing, transformative place, not in our hubris that serves our self-image.
I encourage us all to get those checklists, routines, and structures together and functioning in each department.
Reinforce the value that they provide in helping us operate a strong and vibrant co-op.
And keep them up and running.