In many ways overwhelm is the inability to process what is coming at us.
Too many points of information developing at one time that we need to systematize, prioritize and act upon.
It’s too much and we shut down; we’re overwhelmed.
Maybe we’re faced with problems that we feel are unsolvable with uncertainties running rampant.
Maybe we feel everything is falling apart at once.
Maybe we’re overwhelmed by our feelings of hopelessness that everywhere we look we don’t see how things will get better.
And right there is the secret – the way out of overwhelm.
It has to do with “everywhere we look”.
It’s what we’re looking at – what we are focusing on.
When we’re in overwhelm our focus is broad and big – too big. Too much input is rushing in.
We’re a deer in the headlights.
It’s hard to do (especially when we think a car is coming at us) but when we sense overwhelm, we need to narrow down our focus.
We need to look for that one thing that can be done that is right in front of us.
A purposeful small step, maybe a tiny step.
It could be something routine, mundane, or basic that does not even have to be motivated by changing the big picture.
Something that will get us moving and that’s what’s important.
Moving rather than dwelling and distracting ourselves with lots of thoughts that simply will not help us right now.
Once we have found a step then we move to find another one. We’re basically clawing our way out of overwhelm one small step at a time.
What one small step can we take today? If we can’t find it our focus is still too large. It’s there.
Once we are moving, we’ll be brought back to expanded possibilities and this will inevitably raise our spirits giving us a pathway for purposeful thinking and actions.
We’re not stuck; we’re moving and setting an example.
When things are just too big, get moving, get some traction, and get the juices flowing.
Even the tiniest little step can be way huge.