What is it we want?
Let’s be careful here not to “BS” ourselves. It’s important to tell ourselves our own personal truth.
After all, that “want” is all that will see us through on some days.
Is it the stretch? The money? A desire to contribute?
What is it?
If we stay tapped into our “want” we can bust through the nagging habit of believing ourselves incapable when the going gets tough.
This habit is a convenient distraction we tell ourselves to take the pressure off.
Tap in to that want and let’s stop pretending that we can’t handle the challenges. We can.
Tap in and see that this “want” has us in the right place and we’re not victims.
Want is more powerful than doubt and allows us to move forward.
Our “want” is the seed that grows into our learning and development.
Our journey is challenging and scary at times but personally we have everything to gain.