And like all living things it exists only because certain things in its support systems are in balance.
Too much or not enough of necessary elements then things get out of whack and this delicate thing we call life can head south quick.
So, let’s look at this living thing called “store culture”.
Here’s what I’ve seen…
Among the many things that contribute to creating a store culture accountability and caring are critical.
Accountability involves expectations, structure, systems that we all align to.
Caring involves the warmth, grace and dignity with which we consider the customers and staff. It is the engagement, development, and fun.
When either of these are out of balance symptoms of illness start to develop i.e. increased call outs, turnover, injuries, medical accommodations, conflicts, performance problems, lack of motivation, decreased appreciation and service.
An increase in one does not make up for a lack in the other.
It’s a balance. Both are critical and interdependent.
Look for the symptoms and then look at the balance between these two.
It’s like a yin and yang force between these necessary cultural life-giving elements.