Get a notebook, find a safe place to keep it and everyday, maybe 5 minutes, write down notable conversations and communications with staff.
Also include anything important about the days events.
Kind of a management diary of sorts.
Not “going into their file” type of documentation but just a running log of things that made an impact to the day – positive or negative.
Perhaps we acknowledged someone for stepping up.
Maybe we mentioned to someone about always keeping the apples stocked.
Maybe it was a reminder about personal talk or maybe something like asking someone why isle 3 didn’t get faced.
Whatever it was – write it down.
Now you’ve got history.
Now you’ve got a record of facts and facts are the fuel that power the engine of accountability
It takes away “recollections” and “assumptions” about work performance.
It brings clarity.
Who can remember every little thing that goes on each day with all the millions of things we have to do.
You now have the ability to see cycles and patterns of performance that may need addressing.
And you can check yourself.
Have you been acknowledging and recognizing good work enough?
Have you had enough uplifting chats?
When you’re 3 or 6 months down the line and need some supporting facts are you going to remember?
Give this idea a try…I think you’ll like it.