Welcome to management.
It could be they think someone is not doing their work, or behaving poorly or something more serious like harassment, discrimination – you name it.
And, as managers we need to respond – ignoring is not an option.
Now, right here is where I want to make my point this week.
Right here, when the explosion of emotions and accusations is first ignited, we have to be careful.
Right here, it’s crucial that we don’t overreact, or the opposite, go into avoidance.
It is time to be responsive by expressing with our actions our commitment to clarity and process.
It’s not the time to get pushed around by the hum and churn; it’s gain clarity through relevant facts time.
It’s get a complete and as large a picture as possible time. It is investigate into things and ask questions time.
We check in with relevant staff, find ways to possibly have a direct observation, and explore other sources for fact finding.
We also consider context, history of performance, behavior, believability, credibility, motives – all of it.
So, let me ask you this.
Do you feel you have clear steps for an investigative process in your toolbox?
Can you get yourself to clarity and neutrality when the storm is really blowing?
We all need to be ready for these moments.
These are the times when we have to step up and lead and not be caught up in all the turbulence.
Are we all ready?
It’s a good thing to prepare for and think about how we would handle complicated and emotionalized staff problems ahead of time.
Partner with HR and get these important steps worked out ahead of time.
Get a plan, go over it in your mind; write down a protocol.
It’s not if, it’s when, we’ll need to rely on it.
And always remember, we’re stronger together.