The type of conversation where you’re doing a quick redirect.
Not a big “sit down- 6 step conversation.”
Let’s say “Tammy” has missed a couple of team huddles.
Instead of saying, “Tammy please try to make the team huddles, OK?”
Communicate in a friendly and focused way the impact of the behavior in question.
Like this, “Tammy, huddles are an important part of how the team communicates together and you are an important part of our team. You missing the huddles is having an impact. Our communication pathways break down, it’s distracting to the team, and in truth it generates a perception that you don’t care.”
See the difference between the redirects?
In the first one Tammy can say okay, I’ll try harder, and brush it off.
The other is a short statement that gives Tammy an opportunity to reflect on her behavior and the impact that it is having.
That carries more weight.
Stating the impact is helpful in our conversations whether we are coaching for improvement, correction, or delivering discipline. It is a way to bring greater clarity and clarity is what gives an employee the best chance to see their behavior and make the needed changes.
Always remember, connect the dots, state the impact.