Short videos examining the main points of the MMS Accountability, Customer Service and Safety Trainings
Accountability Videos
MMS videos are a great way to reinforce the concepts that are presented in our 2-day accountability training. Whether you’re intersested in just refreshing the ideas for yourself or showing them to your whole team, these video are a way to keep the momentum going in terms of growth and development in the areas of employee management and accountability.
This is a three video series that brings the fundamentals of customer service and internal service home to your staff. These make great conversation starter to get the dialogue going between you and your staff concerning these essential topics.
General safety videos are usually very drab and boring, not representative of a co-op’s culture. This video is especially made for co-ops – outlining general safety guidelines that are common to us all. It’s meant to be shown during the staff on-boarding process to provide necessary, basic safety instruction. This video is meant to be shown in conjunction with the following safe lifting video. (8:13)
If there is one safety area that we should spend a little extra time on it is the topic of safe lifting – number one cause of workplace injury. In this video we partner with fitness guru Chip Conrad to help us understand the foundation of safe movement and therefore safe lifting. This is not your run of the mill safe lifting video but a deeper discussion of lifting and movement in gereral to provide a greater understanding of how to stay safe and injury free while moving and lifting. (9:13)