As I travel around the country talking and relating to all the wonderful souls who have chosen to have their lives be a part of the co-op movement, I’m consistently moved and touched by their caring, their concern and their willingness to take a stand on matters they believe in. Bravo!
Here is something for us all to consider. In all our efforts to champion and move forward causes of social justice are we being welcoming to all? Are we being masterful and professional with our service?
Let me explain. When we are unwelcoming in any way to people from our communities that don’t share the same viewpoints and beliefs that we do, they will go elsewhere.
They will never come through our doors to experience the warmth of our co-op. They will never see diversity in action. They will not share in an alternative economic model. They will go away and say, this place isn’t for me.
Our co-ops are for everybody…everybody. Of course we have limits, as we should, for folks when they behave outside the bounds.Those absolutely need to be in place.
And, let’s also make sure we are a model of true inclusion…let’s understand that people who don’t see the world as we do are going to talk, act and not have the same sensitivities on issues that are dear to us.
We accept them as they are,
We’re a co-op.
Everyone is welcome.