It’s a new year.
First of all, I want to wish you all the good things that you’d read on any greeting card.
But most of all here’s what I really want to wish you.
I wish for you to come to a greater realization of who you are and the part you play in this world.
When I’m training, I often do an exercise where I tell people to close their eyes and imagine their co-op in their town.
Then imagine your town without your co-op. Your co-op just blinks out. It’s not there – gone.
Now take a look at your town and tell me what you feel and see.
To me, the vision that I get is one in which my town is left hollow. My town’s colors are muted, and a special vital energy is missing. My town is left sadder, less dimensional and left with a big void.
Not good. Not good at all.
Now in your imagination, put your co-op back in your town and take a look.
When I do this, I see life is now expanding; creativity bursts forth. The wheels start turning again. My town is enriched, more vibrant and energy is flowing. All the colors return. There’s depth and substance.
This is good. Very good.
Now, in your mind’s eye, have someone walk into the co-op. Picture them. This is a very important person. They’re dressed in an apron. They’re smiling. They’re a person who is helping to make all this magical co-op energy possible — this magical energy that is bringing something vital and alive to our community.
This person is you!
Look around at all the wonderful life and energy you are helping to bring to your town.
Do you see what an incredible place you hold and what a vital and important part you are playing?
Do you?
Perhaps we need to wipe the shadows off our inner vision at times to help us see this reality. Perhaps at times we’re shy to let ourselves accept it.
You are a contributor, a difference maker.
This heart-beating life of your co-op is a very important thing in your town – you just saw it – I know you did.
And you are part of making it happen.
Perhaps this year no one will run up and pin a medal on your apron or give you a ticker-tape parade, but I feel it would be totally justified if they did.
I sincerely wish you greater awareness of this for the coming year.
This is such an important part you are playing. If ever you’re in doubt, just close your eyes.