I believe we all want to build trust with our team and make a difference.
So what are some things we can do that support that effort?
Show up to work ready to shape the day.
This might sound obvious or simple, yet making this effort is truly powerful and foundational.
Staff need us to be proactive, not reacting with them through the problems of the day.
They need us to be out in front of them guiding the day, not just going through the day with them as stuff happens.
They need us stepping forward to appreciate and pull forward their talents, not just be glad they showed up to work.
Staff are not looking for us to be perfect. I’ve seen many staff members willing to go through tough times and work their guts out for a manager who is actively willing to take the reins, be active, be clear in communication and be honest about the situation even though mistakes are made.
We share a lot with staff through our connection and collaborations; however, what we don’t share is taking the lead.
Respect from your staff is gained with time spent in feeling that you are willing to bring a consistent reasonable approach, not that you’re a miracle worker.
This is managing.
Go in thinking, “what is needed this day to keep staff on track toward positive outcomes?”
Let’s do it,