I’m sure you’ve all heard about the unwritten dynamic in leadership that says, just after assuming their new position, a leader has 100 days to make their tough changes — “their first 100 days”.
OK, so here we all are coming out of a year of profound change.
We’re all squinting in the bright new sunlight looking at a world that is different in so many ways.
It’s like we’re all entering a new phase of life.
And within this new phase that we are entering, we as leaders are within our first 100 days.
My friends, it’s a new day and it’s go-time.
Yep, it’s our first 100 days and the first thing a leader wants to do in their first 100 days is assemble their team i.e. people around them that will be focused, functional, effective and positive.
So, my question to you is – who have you been carrying along?
Who on your team do you feel the weight of responsibility to make it work toward their individual preference, comforts, and conveniences?
Who, on the other hand, is ready, willing, and able to work with you to be effective and make an impact?
The first 100 days is a time of realignment, tough decisions and decisive action.
It’s our time to lay down the foundation for the future.
Let’s do our part to set the bar, manage to it, and level up to the team we need.
I know you’re probably not going to do much realigning today, tomorrow or this week.
Yet beware…… when the sun rises tomorrow you’re now down to only 99. :~)